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Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo and Kimberlee Weatherall (2024) “Managing Ownership of Copyright in Research Publications to Increase the Public Benefits from Research” 52(1) Federal Law Review 3-33.

Kathy Bowrey, Irene Watson and Marie Hadley (2022) “Decolonising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research” 64(1) Australian Universities Review 54-64. SSRN:


Meeting Australia’s science, innovation and education priorities through Open Research

Producing, Owning and Managing Knowledge in the 21st Century University: Fieldwork Report


Kathy Bowrey, Kimberlee Weatherall, Kylie Pappalardo and Marie Hadley, ‘Making Australian research free for everyone to read sounds ideal. But the Chief Scientist’s open-access plan isn’t risk-free’, The Conversation, November 16, 2021.


Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Irene Watson, Kimberlee Weatherall, Submission to Australian Research Council (ARC) and the Australian Government Department of Education Consultation: Policy Review of the National Competitive Grants Program, 3 May 2024.

Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Irene Watson and Kimberlee Weatherall,  Submission to the Review of the Australian Research Council Act 2001, 12 December 2022.

Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Irene Watson and Kimberlee Weatherall, Submission to the Consultation on a Higher Education Research Commercialisation IP Framework, 23 February 2022.

Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Irene Watson and Kimberlee Weatherall, Kylie Pappalardo and Marie Hadley Submission to the Consultation on a Higher Education Research Commercialisation IP Framework, 18 October 2021.

Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Irene Watson, Kimberlee Weatherall, Submission to the National Health and Medical Research Council on the NHMRC Open Access Policy Consultation, April 2021.


Johan Rooryck (cOAlition S), ‘Diamond OA The Road Ahead’

Kylie Pappalardo, ‘Negotiating the Production, Management and Ownership of Knowledge’, Intellectual Property and Education in the Age of COVID-19

Jessica Thiel, ‘Producing, Managing and Owning Knowledge in the 21st Century University’, Open Access Australasia Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Equity in Open Access, 1 June 2023

Kylie Pappalardo and Kathy Bowrey, ‘The national plan for Australian OA: is it any good?’, AIMOS Conference 2021

Law and policy explainers

Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, and Kimberlee Weatherall, ‘Building the enabling legal framework in Australia for Open Access, Open Research and Research Sector – Industry Collaboration: a blueprint (5 August 2022)

 Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Irene Watson and Kimberlee Weatherall, ‘University rights retention and academic publishing contracts in a world of open access mandates’, Briefing paper for senior executives (university sector) (20 August 2021)

Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Irene Watson and Kimberlee Weatherall, ‘Open Access and IP Issues for NTEU Members’, Briefing paper (30 July 2021)


What are the costs in journal publishing?

Taxpayer contributions to a research publication

Fieldwork snapshot

Academic labour in the scholarly publishing industry

Why academics need to publish in high prestige journals

Fieldwork snapshot