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University Open Access Publishing

Who should own the publications that university researchers write? The public that funds some of the research? The universities that hire academic researchers and provide infrastructure? The publishers who disseminate the work?

How do we get research to those who can benefit from it: quickly, and without paying too much?

This Australian Research Council funded project is conducted by a team that includes some of Australia’s leading copyright law and policy scholars, as well as experts in Indigenous Knowledge research. Our team is looking at how Australian universities and researchers currently make decisions about where and how they publish. We are developing research management models for Australia and guidance for Australian researchers and decision-makers. These models and guidance are backed by legal and policy analysis, and by evidence from funders, researchers and research managers.

With better legal management of the papers that researchers publish, we can ensure the widest possible communication of Australia’s world leading research, ideas and knowledge. With better models for Australia, we can ensure that Australian Indigenous interests are fully incorporated even as we move to a more open research environment. Both of these goals are critical to ensuring that research gets to the people who can benefit from it, and that it is used to improve well-being, societies, sustainability and economies.


This research is funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Scheme (DP200101578), K Bowrey, T Cochrane, J McKeough, K Pappalardo, I Watson, K Weatherall, Producing, Managing and Owning Knowledge in the 21st century university. This project has been reviewed and approved by the QUT Human Research Ethics Committee (ref: 2000000609).